A Typical Day At Adored Vintage
Publié par ADORED VINTAGE le

Here is a photo of my desk. I like to call it a pretty mess, rhyme with reason and lots of dried flowers. I have stacks of papers and books and what have you all over my desk. Usually a slice of cake, water, cups (yes plural) of coffee, a half eaten baguette... not exactly the image of minimalism or perfection, but I adore it all the same. Here in this little corner of the studio is where I spend most of my time at AV editing photos, listing products, updating the website, answering phone calls and emails from all the different brands and designers we work with...
After cheerful "Bonjours!" to one another and a quick check in, Devon and I will start on our tasks for the day. Devon is our customer service correspondent and also the one who packages your pretty parcels for you with lots of care.
Depending on the day, if we receive parcels in the mail, we receive inventory, look through everything to make sure nothing has defects and it meets our standards, then proceed to process the new stock that's arrived in the warehouse.
Devon and I share a couple different hats, so both her and I handle all the garments at different points of their stay with us before they make their final journey on to you.
Around 11:30 I usually eat a little pastry snack. It's ELEVENSES!
Usually I am photographing products or prepping new collections for shop arrivals, coming up with stories, photography ideas, styling flat lays and what not. I take photos for the website, blog, newsletters, social media... I love doing this, it's where I get to really be creative.
Usually Devon will measure and prepare the product listings and I go in and finish them and edit all the photos and finalize the listings before it goes live.
Throughout the day if we see the other person may need help and we're finished with our main tasks, we'll share in the world load. That's the sort of work environment I really love being in, everyone has their main responsibilities of course, but if and when you can lend a hand then it's encouraged you do so.
We have different big tasks we focus on for each week. Usually on Fridays we catch up on things from earlier in the week and we do a long team meeting. Sometimes we have it at a cafe over brunch, other times its with cake and tea at the studio, and lately it's mostly been like "OK, go, tell me your week, ok now my turn...ahhh ok back to work!"
This week we had Model Go Sees to find a couple new faces for the shop (I'm sure you're sick of seeing my face all over, lol!) and there was also a lot of catching up because so many of our deliveries from UPS and Fed Ex got delayed due to weather!
Devon and I are a hard working little team here at AV HQ and we're learning so much both as a team and as individuals. We think sometimes people think AV is a much bigger operation that it really is, but there you have it, a little ditty into a typical work day at Adored Vintage with us two gals.