Behind the Scenes at Adored Vintage by Robert "Taters" Redford
Publié par ADORED VINTAGE le

Hi guys! I thought I would officially introduce myself as the newest member to the Adored Vintage team.
My name is Robert Redford, but my Mom (I mean, my "boss") just calls me Red, though I'm more affectionately known as Taters because Mom says I look kind of like a tater tot. (I know, ruuude, but also, yum, I love tater tots!)
I thought I'd start a little section here about the going ons at Adored Vintage because I'm here a lot and you probably don't know this, but I pretty much keep the ship running around here! I mean, Mom likes to think SHE'S the brains and brawns of the operation, but we all know who the actual genius is behind this online women's shop!
*Oh! The mailman is here, I need to go bark at him let him know who is BOSS of this domain!*
Ok, I'm back! So here's what work was like at Adored Vintage today! FIRST, I had to get my employee photo taken. The boss kept telling me to sit and she pretended she had treats for me, but she did NOT have treats. Sadly, my first day was off to a not so great start. You can see the true disappointment in my face.
After I got my employee identification, I helped list new arrivals in the shop! I was very sad that these pretty vintage inspired dresses were not on the floor for me to snuggle up in. I really like snuggling into the prettiest things! (The boss does not like that I do this very much...)
Then we packaged and shipped out a bunch of orders! The boss takes so long to put dresses into plastic bags. If I had opposable thumbs, I bet I would be way faster! She likes to fold everything really nice and neat and add cards and make sure it all looks perfect. After the first hour I kind of took a little snooze...
After my little nap (ok, this might have been my second one today...don't tell the boss) I oversaw the next projects! This included making sure all the stitches were evenly done on an antique top repair, looking through linesheets for Spring 2018 ordering, grabbing little nibbles of Cheez-Its, and of course PROTECTING my Mom from all the possible dangers just lurking outside of the Adored Vintage office door.
So, there you go! My first day as an official Adored Vintage staff member. As you can see, I had a very productive day!
Didi le
Awww! He’s so cute! Love your workspace too! :)
Halcyon Vintage