The Joys of Sharing One's Garden

This past weekend I hosted my first ever Harvest Moon dinner/seed sharing party, a celebration of friendship, food, and flowers on the day of the harvest moon, the fullest moon before the autumn equinox.

The table was laden with dishes that celebrated the flavors of summer and hints of the early autumn produce. My friends brought desserts like homemade cream pie with locally grown peaches and an abundant basket of freshly picked wild blackberries. We had a summer melon salad with cucumber and chicken with french tarragon and lemon. There were cheeses and crackers and dates and almonds with herbs de Provence. We feasted merrily indoors drinking red wine from a local vineyard and mint infused water.

I had prepared a Victorian inspired floral craft for my friends and purchased these glass frame ornaments from India. All Spring and Summer I had pressed clippings, petals, and leaves from my garden as they bloomed so my friends could have a little piece of my garden to take home with them. Everyone carefully assembled the delicate pressed blooms and brushed light coats of adhesive on to the specimens. 

At the end of the evening, we traded seeds with one another from our gardens. I handed packets of white strawflowers, cosmos, and foxgloves. I received old fashioned sweetpeas and poppies. 

I absolutely love the idea of having flowers in my garden that began their flowering journey in my friends' gardens and to be able to share the seeds from flowers I sowed earlier this Spring with my friends. 

"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers, and cities; but to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, thought distant, is close to use in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden." - Goethe

During the festivities I was immersed in the moments and all the sensory details that I only remembered to take photos in the end. So many of these photos are snapped by my friends that attended. 

So looking forward to hosting next year's Harvest Moon party and to start sowing the seeds that were given to me!

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