Your Love Languages & Self Care
Oh goodness where has the time gone? It's already March?! As a team, we reflected on our love languages for the month of February and discussed what our love languages were and how they affect not only those we are in relationships with, whether romantically or platonically, but also how do we show up for ourselves. For those who don’t know, there are five primary love languages; Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Giving Gifts, and Physical Touch. While it is important to know your loved ones primary love language, it is also just as important to know your own!


"You must love yourself first, then you create a ripple of love that will touch everyone’s lives." - Leon Brown

As we prepare for the arrival of Spring, checking in with ourselves and caring for our needs is a wonderful way to make sure we are ready for the growth and weeding we may need to do for this coming season. Let us make a pact as an AV community to be a little bit kinder to ourselves in these new few weeks as we prepare for Spring to arrive. 

The 5 Love Languages & Self Care

Quality Time

If you found that your primary love language is quality time, this means that you love precious moments and spending time with your loved ones in meaningful ways. These special moments may be small but they are the ones that mean the most to you.

Quality Time Self Care Ideas:

Make some time in the next week or month to carve a space out of your day (just like you would for a loved one). Write a list of what makes you truly happy (don’t be afraid to bring out your inner child). This could be anything from dancing, singing… (even if your neighbor prefers you not), lighting a candle and reading a book for pleasure, trying out a baking recipe that you never had the time to make… the list can be endless! The most important part is taking the time to make it happen and being present.

Physical Touch

For those whose primary love language is physical touch; it can be something as subtle as someone reaching out to hold your hand and that means the world to you.

Physical Touch Self Care Ideas:

Take some time out of your day to be in the moment with yourself. If you are someone who likes to have your hair touched, we challenge you to find a fun new braid style (pinterest is a great resource) and give it a go. If you are not a big hair braider we encourage you to set up your own homemade spa and give yourself a manicure, hand & foot massages, or a warm bath with all of your favorite candles… don’t be afraid to go full on bubble bath mode!

Acts of Service

If you’re an AV Gal whose primary love language is Acts of Service, you love the little things like a loved one making coffee for you in the morning. Even though making coffee wouldn’t take that much time out of your day to do yourself, the little gesture goes a long way. For those whose primary love language is Acts of Service, little acts of kindness (especially unsolicited ones!) are key to your heart.

Acts of Service Self Care Ideas:

Plan a time out of your day to get something done that you have been putting off for a while. Whether it is that pile of laundry that keeps getting bigger and bigger or planning a day to go get your car washed and detailed then treating yourself to a little iced coffee afterwards. Taking on a task and completing it can feel so good and it will take a little bit of that weight you have been carrying off your shoulder.

Words of Affirmation

We are all human and life can be hard sometimes (especially in our current pandemic). Hearing a word as simple as “I appreciate you” can change your day around and while those words can mean so much hearing it from a loved one… we sometimes forget to say these words to ourselves.

Words of Affirmation Self Care Ideas:

Take out a journal, a favorite pen, light a candle and take a moment and write what you are most proud of about yourself. These don’t have to be big accomplishments. We encourage you to think of small things that have made you who you are today. Remember that small things should be rewarded just as much as the big ones.

(Option 2) Leave a kind note for your future self, maybe hidden in a book you want to read, or in your daily planner several months ahead! It can be something as simple as “You are loved and lovely.” You may rediscover this little love note and encouragement to yourself at just the opportune moment.

Receiving Gifts

If you are the AV gal who finds her primary love language is Receiving Gifts, you appreciate when others take the time to give something to you that makes you happy. A lot of the time it is the effort and thoughtfulness that goes into the gift as to why it makes it so special and not necessarily the gift itself.

Receiving Gifts Self Care Ideas:

We encourage you to allow yourself to celebrate the little accomplishments in your life and take yourself out for an ice cream cone and a nice walk, or if it is a bit chilly and dairy does not settle well with you hehe… there is nothing like a nice warm cup or coffee or tea! The most important part is to make it a point to be thoughtful to yourself.

(Option 2) We are often hard on ourselves and tend to hold off on spoiling ourselves. While we do not suggest doing this all the time, allow yourself to splurge and go out and get that beautiful dress you have been eyeing for quite some time or take that solo weekend vacation you have always wanted to do! While it may seem unnecessary, we hope you ask this question “would you do it for a loved one?”. If the answer is yes, why not do it for yourself?

- E N D -

Life is hills and valleys and sometimes mountains and plateaus. It's important to remember to take care of yourself once in awhile too. We hope these love languages self care ideas can bring some well-deserved self care to your lives this season and we would love to hear what your love language is and how you will practice self care in these next few weeks! Comment below and let's chat!


1 commentaire

  • Holly le

    This is so beautiful! I came for the clothes, but the blog is amazing too <3 Looking forward to making my first purchase & becoming a repeat customer! xoxo Holly

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