Vintage Finds From the Weekend
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I spent much of this past weekend in quiet solitude, reading, writing, learning, researching, studying... and throughout it I made an equal effort to notice and live the little things. We went to the farmer's market for the first time (hooray!) to support many local merchants and farmers. I bought armloads of peonies and other June blooms. I also went hunting for vintage which I have not done in a very, very long time and the practice of it felt a little foreign at first, but my love for garments with stories to tell is unwavering... Here are some of...
Vintage Finds From the Weekend
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Defining Allyship in #BlackLivesMatter
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
I think we can all safely agree that things feel very uncomfortable right now. In the midst of the discomfort, I feel an intense sadness. I think it is worth saying we must all do our own work and take personal responsibility to educate ourselves so we can do better. This is what I am trying to do and will continue to do so. I believe so much that we are good people and we collectively want peace and to be free to pursue happiness. To quote writer Julio Vincent Gambuto "We are a good people. And as a good people, we...
Defining Allyship in #BlackLivesMatter
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AV Brick & Mortar Covid-19 Update
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Some states are beginning to open back up around the country and certain counties in Oregon have been approved to move into Phase 1. Our county, Multnomah County, has not been approved for Phase 1 (we haven't even applied to be reviewed to be approved!) though some retail businesses previously closed are planning on reopening May 15th, tomorrow! Many retail shops in Portland are choosing to remain closed however, us included. There is so much conflicting information out right now and it is all so stressful and confusing. Our retail shop is quite small and currently I am not willing to invest...
AV Brick & Mortar Covid-19 Update
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Ode to Vintage Victoria: Issue April 1994
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Another installment (albeit I'm a week late, sorry friends!) of my monthly ode to my favorite vintage magazine, Victoria! I couldn't quite decide which April issue to feature from my collection and I settled on 1994 because it contains one of my favorite outfits ever to grace the paces of vintage Victoria magazine. As always, these are just my favorite parts of the issue, there are several stories and features not shown here (a story on hooked rugs, floral shoe illustrations, objects with a butterfly motif...). The features I am showing are those near and dear to my heart like...
Ode to Vintage Victoria: Issue April 1994
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Style Muse: Sabina Socol
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A few years ago I came across a photo of French style influencer, Sabina Socol. I actually started following Sabina several months before a friend of mine suggested to follow Jeanne Damas, another French fashion influencer that then founded Rouje. I was instantly smitten by Sabina because she comes across so sweet and genuine on Instagram and she's so dang cute! I think "Oh, I would want to be friends with her"... I can't say I feel the same about Jeanne... and maybe because she comes off a bit colder and "I know I'm cool and French and a big...
Style Muse: Sabina Socol
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Just A Bit Beyond My Comfort Zone
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
It's officially been a month since we've shuttered the doors of the retail shop and a month of mostly working from home and adjusting to an ever changing daily routine. As a creature of habit and someone who very much thrives on routine, this past month has had me feeling very out of my comfort zone. I know I am not alone in my feelings. So many of my friends are facing the same myriad of emotions I am feeling. We're struggling with the unknown, chasing potential answers that lead to dead ends (busy tones, disconnections, simply being told "sorry bout it")...
Just A Bit Beyond My Comfort Zone
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A Peek Inside Tasha Tudor's Garden
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If you have been following Adored Vintage for awhile, then it is no great secret how much Tasha Tudor has inspired and influenced me. I can't exactly recall when I first saw or heard of Tasha Tudor, though I do recall first seeing a photo of her in her garden and thought someone had colorized a photo from the 1800s. I quickly came to find that the photos were from the 1990s (not the 1890s) and Tasha Tudor was a children's book illustrator and a master gardener who also had a penchant for living her life as if it were...
A Peek Inside Tasha Tudor's Garden
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Pretty Films: A Room With A View
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Aesthetically this film is one of my favorites, it has so many scenes I draw so much inspiration from. Based on the E.M. Forster novel of the same name, the film "A Room With A View" by James Ivory is a period film about a young woman named Lucy Honeychurch (Helena Bonham Carter) who on a summer trip to Florence with her chaperone (Maggie Smith) experiences bits of independence and feelings of love. The scenes in the poppy fields are some of my favorite cinematic scenes ever. It's so beautiful. I love how all the characters are just immersed in the tall...
Pretty Films: A Room With A View
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Romantic Country Home Inspirations
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My heart will always be drawn to the countryside and from my wardrobe, my home, and to the garments I choose for Adored Vintage, you will always notice bits of that romantic country influence. To me the country aesthetic is absolutely timeless and classic. There is such a warmth and a comfort to country style that I think many of us find so welcoming and inviting. I want Adored Vintage and the clothes we carry in the shop to have that same appeal...classic prints and florals, tried and true colors, soft tones and timeless silhouettes and shapes... Romantic Country Home Inspirations...
Romantic Country Home Inspirations
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Color Story / Vintage Blush
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Vintage Blush is an ode to classic and timeless colors and patterns that can be worn throughout various garments, eras, seasons, and styles. The palette consists of baby blush pinks, light ivory's and creams, whites, and a soft muted brown. These hues are a staple for the Adored Vintage gal, whether it be a solid print or a floral pattern, these pieces are meant to never go out of fashion, to grow old with you and be worn over the years. This collection is a mix of modern and vintage, with classic camisoles dating back to the 1920s and scarfs...
Color Story / Vintage Blush
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Ode to Vintage Victoria: Issue March 1990
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It is officially Day 3 of "Safer At Home" order in Oregon though things have been a bit upside down for my lil ole shop for about 2 weeks total now. My team and I are all slowly adjusting to working more from home. And since I am working more from home (which I haven't done in over 5 years now...ever since I got a separate studio for Adored Vintage back in 2015 so I didn't have to work from home) I have a bit more time to focus on the Adored Vintage journal. Hooray! Perhaps you're new around these...
Ode to Vintage Victoria: Issue March 1990
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Small Business Checklist During Covid
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I wrote this small business checklist for myself and the Adored Vintage team and thought this might be helpful for other small business owners out there. Of course, not everything might apply to you, especially if you are not retail or an e-commerce, but hopefully it sparks some ideas and inspiration during these uncertain times! The current goal right now is to not lose retention and attention. There are plenty of things to do to keep the ship sailing, slow movement is fine, but you must not think about abandoning ship or even dwell in negativity, i.e. "become a sinking ship". We're in...
Small Business Checklist During Covid
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