Behind the Scenes With Redford, Our Shop Dog

Oh, hello. I was expecting your arrival. How did I know? Got good doggie senses, that's why!
Maybe you knew this already, but I'm the real brains behind the whole Adored Vintage operation. My Mom just thinks she's the boss, but let's just keep this between you and me... is all me, Robert Redford... the creative genius behind AV! Mwuahahahahaharf-arf!
Last week I helped orchestrate a photo shoot with our model Michaela. She is a nice gal. I want to lay on her shoes she brings to the studio. Mom asked me where I thought we should shoot the photos and I said the beach on Sauvie because I love the beach. But I hate the water. Yuck. Sometimes I see other dogs run right into the water to fetch a stick. I think "Look at that idiot. He's choosing to get into the big bath water."
I like to stay dry. And be in the sun. Dry is better. Dry is life.
The rest of the week was really busy. It's always busy. I like to sit on the couch and make sure everyone is doing their job. Most importantly, and I don't know if the ladies here appreciate my bravery enough, I protect them EVERY DAY from the tricksy men that drop off packages at the office. Those guys are always trying to be so nice. But I KNOW, oh I know. Good doggie senses. I sniff the parcels to ensure their safety. Once I confirm they are, I let the ladies know, it is all safe and we can live another day. And the men leave EVERY TIME. Because I am a good protector of ladies!
Then I like to nap and lay in patches of sunshine. The gals go about their day measuring clothes, taking photos of pretty vintage inspired dresses, packaging orders, I run the ship smoothly. I go up to everyone once in awhile and give them encouraging smiles. I know they receive my positive re-enforcement because they pet my head and say things in really high voices.
So, as you can see, it was another successful week at Adored Vintage. I am doing a good job.
Thanks for reading,
Robert "Taters" Redford