Sustainability: Only Buy What You Adore

Being thoughtful and intentional about the clothes you buy is one way to be more sustainable when it comes to fashion. 

Your clothes don't have to be expensive for you to be sustainable. While it's amazing that so many sustainable brands are cropping up, sustainable fashion (when purchased new) often comes with a larger price tag. We recognize that not everyone has that luxury or option, so we want to offer up some shopping and buying tips so you can become a more conscious consumer. 

If you don't absolutely love something, don't buy it. If the garment doesn't add to your personal style or help you better define or discover that, then don't buy it. If it doesn't make you happy and you don't feel good/confident or like a pre-Raphaelite Nymph Goddess in it, then don't buy it. It will just sit in your closet until you decide someday to donate it barely worn and loved. (Though this might great for a future "vintage clothing" seller 30 years from now! *lol* Whoa, 2019 cotton lace camisole in MINT condition!

Think about the versatility of each piece before you commit. Can you work it to work? Dress it up, dress it down? Does it require special undergarments to be worn?

When shopping for new clothes, think about the longevity of each piece before you purchase it. How long will you wear it for? How often do you see yourself wearing this garment? Can you see yourself wearing it next year? The year after?

 Is it a garment that if you wear it next year your friends wouldn't go "Augh, a cream midi skirt, like really, Janet? That's so last year." 

Ask Yourself These Questions to Better Practice Sustainable Shopping.

1. Do you absolutely love it?  

2. Can you see yourself wearing it this same time next year?

3. Can you wear it a few different ways and for at least 2 seasons out of the year?

If you can answer YES! to all three, then you're making a thoughtful buying decision! 

If you're IFFY on any of these three, then maybe think about it some more and come back to it when you've reassessed your wardrobe. If you can say NO to at least one, then your decision should be easy.

Here at Adored Vintage, we are very intentional about the styles we choose for the shop. We may dip our toes a little bit in the fashion trend pool, but we try to keep all of our silhouettes, colors, and prints as classic and timeless as possible and within the same color families so past pieces you may have purchased from us can pair easily with newer purchases.

As the head buyer for Adored Vintage, I ask myself the three main questions above for every single garment as if I was shopping for my own wardrobe. I avoid decoration details, prints, colors, and silhouettes that are too trendy. I have articles of clothing from over 10 years ago that I STILL wear because of these simple guidelines!

While there isn't a 100% sustainable form of fashion... (though buying secondhand/vintage is the closest you will get), being intentional about how you buy your clothes and asking yourself those three questions is good practice to building a better wardrobe that serves you longer!

Cover photo by Briana Morrison for Adored Vintage

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